Now, each computer that possessed a copy of a file could give away its part to the whole network. What Cohen did was the decentralization of the download game. Before torrents came about, you had to download a file from a single source. What is a torrent file? Torrents were invented by genius programmer Brad Cohen back in 2011. They are also called peer-to-peer downloads.

Torrent technology allows users to download the same file from multiple computers. So, are torrents safe? The quick answer is: NOT AT ALL. Before you’ve gone down that gold mine of content, you need safety instructions. Where else do you get raw cuts of new movies or apps forbidden for distribution in your country? Using torrent websites is full of risks.

Torrents are part of the “grey web” - not quite the dark web, though largely illegal. Now to detect harmless-looking Mac apps that contain malware and remove them before they do any harm. Reliable anti-malware protection is an absolute necessity in 2023. Threats like adware and spyware made their way onto Macs, proving even macOS devices are susceptible to malware.